Nearly all of the township’s religious centers and synagogues have closed or changed prayer schedules to prevent large groups from entering the premises, according to numerous flyers, letters and statements passed around social media. You have seen and will continue to see updates regarding the actions we are taking on the local level, in addition to those mandated by the State of New Jersey.In all this, we need to be resilient and have hope. Lakewood is strong, and a proud town. The current crisis will not change until we work together. These strengths we all possess will shine even brighter during this unforeseen time.
Over the past several days, We all have witnessed and heard about numerous acts of kindness within our community. We all need to know that all residents need to support each other by sharing resources and information, checking on the elderly and those in need, making special efforts to support our local businesses, and simply being kind and courteous towards one another.
Let us remember that we are all in this together. This virus does not discriminate based on race, religion, political affiliation or any socioeconomic factors. It is vital that we all stay informed and take appropriate precautions, including social distancing. It is equally important that we remain united in the face of this crisis.
Together we will get through this! Resiliency throughout each and everyone. Stay Safe, Healthy and Informed ..
May God Bless Each and Everyone of you. – Chief Gregory H. Meyer