Lakewood Township: On Sunday, July 23, 2023, the officers of the Lakewood Township Police Department
in conjunction with the NJ Division of Highway Traffic Safety conducted a “Cops in Crosswalks” operation,
which had undercover police officers posing as pedestrians at crosswalks. From 9 am to 1 pm, 52 persons
were stopped for “Failing to Yield to a Pedestrian”. Of those, some drivers were also given summonses for
other Motor Vehicle infractions.
We are focusing this operation on education, and aiming to teach residents about pedestrian rights
and laws to prevent pedestrian-involved crashes this month, and beyond. Additionally, we have Lakewood
Township officers conducting radar enforcement campaigns to further reassure that distracted and unsafe
driving has no place in the township.
The Department has also collaborated with Safe Streets NJ and has on-hand educational brochures for the
public. These brochures will remind drivers of the need to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks. Citing officers
provided these brochures to drivers who were stopped.
Violators were stopped and given a citation or verbal warning. Citing officers took into account the
violator’s speed and the proximity of the pedestrian to the violator’s vehicle.
Between January 01, 2017, and December 31, 2021, there were 31,587 Pedestrian/Bicyclist involved
crashes in the State of New Jersey. 2,894 were fatalities. In Lakewood Township, there were 574
Pedestrians/Bicyclists were involved in crashes with 32 of them being fatal.
For the coming months, the “Cops in Crosswalks” operation, will take place at dozens of locations
throughout the township. Residents of Lakewood Township should feel safe crossing our streets with their
families. It is our goal that this initiative will educate drivers and residents alike.
#copsincrosswalks #pedestriansafety