Celebrating Valentine’s Day is a time for a fun or romantic night with your significant other, friend, or even treating yourself. Be wary though, by announcing a great night out, you’ve just given burglars carte blanche in to your unattended homes. Here are a list of safety tips to ensure that your Valentine’s Day isn’t ruined.
- Don’t announce your plans on social media. First things first, don’t share your dinner reservation, movie plans, or anything else that could be used to identify your home as vacant. We’ve warned before that sharing this information is just revealing that you won’t be home, making your home an easier target for burglars.
- Wait to post pictures. The temptation to post pictures of the great food, the beautiful restaurant, and the romantic scenery can be great, but resist until after the date. Just like announcing your plans, the pictures will show that you’re not currently at home. Special Valentine’s Day Tip: Your partner may not be pleased if you’re on your phone, either.
- Lock doors and windows. Avoiding social media does not guarantee that your home is safe. It may seem simple, but make sure that you’ve locked all the doors and windows, including those upstairs.
- Light it up. A great easy way to deter burglars is by making it appear that your home is occupied. That begins by turning the lights on. If your home is equipped with timers or automation features, sync them with your normal routine.
- Limit cash. Valentine’s Day is a busy, and often chaotic, evening. You could lose your wallet or purse, or even be the victim of a pickpocket! Protect yourself by limiting the amount cash you bring, along with other items.
- Keep valuables in front. Okay, you had to bring the purse to complete your outfit. That’s fine, just remember to always keep it in front of you at all times. Always zip it fully closed if you can. Guys, same goes for you. Put your wallet in your front pocket. It’s easier for someone to grab it without you noticing if it’s your back pocket.
- Walk in well-lit, trafficked areas. It’s undoubtedly romantic to end your date on a walk where it’s just you, your partner, and silence. We see it in movies all the time. However, it also leaves you vulnerable to a waiting burglar. We’re not suggesting you head to a crowded shopping mall, just make sure there’s others around that could help.
- Ask a trusted person to take care of your home. If one night out on the town isn’t enough, and you’ve planned a romantic getaway, ask someone you trust – like a neighbor – to look after your home. Instruct them to pick up the mail/packages, shovel the snow, water the plants, or anything else to make it appear that you’re still there. We recommend rewarding them afterwards for their efforts.
- Turn off the oven, put out the candles and fires. If the crowds are not your cup of tea and you have a lovely night in planned, be careful. Don’t leave anything on – oven, lit candles, etc. – when you leave the room or go to bed for the night.
- Keep flammable objects away from fires. Cuddling by the fire to end the night is awesome. What’s less awesome is if your blanket catches on fire because it’s too close. There is no quicker way to ruin a romantic atmosphere than having things go up in flames